Baseball and softball hitters are always looking for more speed.volleyball net storage

Yeah, speed is important because you’re going to hit the ball hard. But that’s not the only reason.volleyball net systems indoor

Faster bat speed also gives you more time to make swing decisions… This means you can get a better idea of where the course is located. This means you should be able to swing better.standard volleyball net height

How to increase bat speed

Generally speaking, for baseball and softball hitters, there are basically only two ways to increase the speed or power of the ball.swimming pool volleyball net

You need… .

1 – Change your body – get stronger and faster with proper strength training.sports imports volleyball net

  • or –

2 – Improve your batting skills – there are probably a dozen different ways your batting skills affect bat speed and power… For better or for worse. This is a free video series covering 5 key swing techniques that will help you see an immediate boost in power (without lifting weights).shooting volleyball net height

Of course, the best results come when you do both at the same time.volleyball net target

Does racquet training help speed up the racquet?

There are a lot of baseball and softball training bats out there… Many of them are sheer gimmicks. It’s really difficult to look past the hype and marketing to know what has real science behind it.volleyball net trainer

All the bats on this page have these 6 things in common

  • Is actually used by respected coaches, players and coaches… Not the so-called “gurus” that appear on the Internet.volleyball net that bounces back
  • Can be used for overload training (increase dynamic intensity, see more below)volleyball net tensioner
  • Improving mechanics rather than damaging them (a common complaint with some heavy-duty bats is that they promote poor/putter mechanics)volleyball net tension straps
  • Weight close to the hand teaches the batter how to whip the bat and avoid creating a “push swing”volleyball net transparent background
  • You can actually hit a real baseball or softball with them volleyball net tightener
  • Feel learning – Some things are really hard for batsmen to understand until they can feel them for themselves. All of the following bats promote good mechanics just by swinging them volleyball net training

Overload/underload training to improve bat speed

Overload/underload training is an excellent way to achieve the first goal of increasing bat speed and power by becoming stronger/faster.the length and width of the volleyball net is

We know it works for 3 reasons:

  • Often used by the best professional and Olympic coaches in the world volleyball net use
  • It has now been measured and demonstrated in multiple scientific studies (I list some in the sources section below).used volleyball net system for sale
  • The Internet is full of stories from ordinary people who have tried and achieved great success (if done correctly).volleyball net regulations

I’ll explain these things in detail below, and we’ll also cover how to do overwork properly, what results you can expect, common mistakes that prevent it from working, and which heavy-duty bats and bat weights you can use…… And some of the unexpected benefits of using these bats.volleyball and volleyball net drawing

What is overload/underload training?

The general idea is to use a carefully selected combination of lighter or heavier equipment.volleyball water volleyball net

  • Overload training is the use of heavier weights to increase muscle strength, but done in a way that enhances dynamic strength… This is very different from traditional weightlifting. In traditional weightlifting, people tend to get stronger but slower. Athletes need functional, dynamic strength.volleyball net with pole
  • Underload training is the use of lighter than normal weight exercises to increase fast muscle fibers (aka faster, become faster)volleyball net with stand

For example,…… If you’re an Olympic javelin thrower, you’ll alternate throwing a heavier javelin to increase power, then a lighter javelin to increase speed.volleyball net winch

For baseball and softball hitters, we use a combination of heavy and light bats to accomplish the same thing.volleyball net wall mount

And it’s very effective. Why? Because, as I said above, you’re increasing dynamic intensity, which is the very specific type required for an explosive baseball swing.volleyball net with ball

In the 1970s and ’80s, the Soviet Union did a study of their Olympic athletes, mostly athletes who threw things… Hammer throw, discus, javelin, etc.volleyball net with antenna

They will have them throw heavier objects than usual to build strength.width of volleyball net

Then have them throw a lighter one, used to build fast muscle fibers… Aka increase speed and speed.what is the height of men’s volleyball net

Here is a summary of the key training principles they found what is the price of volleyball net

  • “The use of different resistance training can enhance the development of speed, power (explosive power)
  • Optimal weight range: “The range of resistance variation of the apparatus in training should be 5% to 20% lighter or heavier than the standard apparatus.”
  • “When training with weights and standard weight equipment, the frequency ratio of heavy or light equipment to standard weight equipment is 2:1”

“Good for rotating athletes”

The concept of overload and underload training has been studied in a number of different ways. Here are some more interesting description in volleyball

In order to increase throwing speed, there have been studies involving (a) overload only; Throwing heavy balls (b) under load, throwing lighter balls, and (c) a combination of overload and underload training. The fun part? All three methods showed an increase in throwing speed.
Programs with less than six weeks showed no improvement when it came to improving batting speed. A good, consistent program aimed at achieving muscle adaptation should last at least 6 to 8 weeks.

Does training with a “heavy bat” lead to bad habits?

The short answer?

Yes, it can if the wrong type of heavy bat is used.

A longer answer… Some people will say that training with a heavy bat is bad, that it can damage your mechanics or cause bad habits – or even make you slow down.

The truth is that there is some debate about the best type of heavy-duty bat for overloading training.

The big question is how the weight should be distributed. Some people are more than happy to use anything with weight, such as a sledgehammer. Or add a weight to the body of a regular game bat. However, this creates problems with the mechanics of the shot and can actually lead to bad habits that slow down the swing.

Push vs. Whip swing (or softball)

Nothing takes away the power of your baseball swing faster than losing the “whip” in your swing.

Do you know why the whip makes that crackling sound? (Think of that trademark cracking sound you hear whenever Indiana Jones shoots down a bad guy’s weapon with a whip)

It makes the sound tip actually move faster than the speed of sound and creates small sonic booms. We humans can’t move our arms that fast, but we can move the end of the whip that fast.

Why is that?

This is because the “whip effect” amplifies the initial effort.

In the case of the whip, the tip moves 30 times faster than the original speed produced by the arm movement.

Thirty times faster!
As baseball players, we want to use the same “whip effect” to increase batting speed.

The opposite of a whipping swing is a “push” swing, in which you use large muscles to swing the bat but don’t take advantage of the extra speed created by the ground power chain that ends with the whipping motion.

What does this have to do with “hard hitting training”?

Loading the weight on the end (near the barrel) of the bat will cause you to lose the required “whip” and instead develop those slower push-type mechanisms.

The opposite is true for bats whose weight is closer to the hand.

When the weight is closer to the hand, it promotes better mechanics and can actually improve bat speed through mechanical improvements…… Before you make your muscles stronger.

That’s why some of these heavy-duty bats can say “increase your bat speed by 3 MPH in 10 days,” because even though it takes six to eight weeks to acclimate to the muscles (i.e., get stronger), good heavy-duty bats can do more than just build strength. There are several heavy-duty bats on the market that can actually improve mechanics rather than hurt them, and that’s when you tend to see a rapid increase in bat speed.


There are two things to be aware of when looking for the right overload training bat or bat weight

End loading weight. As we just discussed above, a bat with the weight mostly in the barrel will encourage a slower “push” type of swing and will do exactly the opposite of what we want.

You can’t play real baseball. The other problem is that you can’t actually hit a baseball with them. One study clearly shows that hitting a baseball with a heavy bat produces better results than just taking a dry swing. It’s impossible to know exactly why this is the case, but it feels pretty clear. It depends on effort and intent. Just swinging is not the same as swinging with real intent and purpose.

The best training bat for increasing bat speed

When choosing the right training bat ***, especially a heavy duty bat ***, you need to ask yourself several important questions:

  • What will it do to my mechanic? Don’t just trust marketers. Just because a heavy bat says it will make you a power hitter, doesn’t mean it will! Some can even damage your mechanics, create bad habits, and make you slower in the long run.
  • Where is the weight located? In general, loading closer to the hand is better than loading the barrel at the end
  • Am I the right weight? Many of these come in different sizes, so you need to make sure you buy the right size.
  • Can I hit a real baseball with it? One study showed that there was a huge difference in the speed gained from exit speed based solely on whether participants took a dry swing versus actually hitting the ball. Those who actually hit the ball improved twice as much!

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